Are you looking to address symptoms associated with hormone imbalances such as menopause, andropause, pre-menstrual syndrome, dysmenorrhea, menorrhagia and postnatal depression? You can arrange for a private consultation at The Oakley Medical Practice to discuss how bio identical HRT could help you.

What is BHRT? Bioidentical hormones are man-made. They’re designed so your body uses them in the same way it does your own hormones. Bioidentical hormones can be very helpful for people who suffer from a hormonal imbalance or who might not make enough hormones naturally. Hormones are an important part of your body’s messenger system. These chemicals send signals to almost every part of your body. They control things like your mood, growth, and even body hair.  

What Are Bioidentical Hormones? Hormones are chemicals that are made by your endocrine glands. The glands release hormones into your bloodstream to be carried to the appropriate body part. Hormones control quite a few functions in your body such as:

  • Metabolism
  • Reproduction
  • Growth
  • Sexual Function

It’s difficult for you to function properly when your hormones are out of balance. A hormone imbalance can cause weight gain or mood swings that affect your day-to-day life. Taking hormones can help people whose bodies don’t make enough of a certain hormone, or whose hormone levels are unbalanced

Impact of Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy on Your Health

People need to take replacement hormones for different reasons. Sometimes, it’s due to old age or life changes, like menopause. Taking certain hormones your body no longer makes can help improve your health and overall well-being. 

Without a proper balance of hormones, your body can go through unpleasant symptoms. Replacing the hormones you no longer produce with doctor-prescribed bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) can reduce symptoms and help you achieve a better quality of life.

BHRT can help with the following symptoms: 

  • Weight gain
  • Mood swings
  • Hot flushes
  • Night sweats
  • Low energy levels
  • Memory loss
  • Difficult sleeping
  • Decreased interest in sex

Bio identical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) is only available privately and differs from treatments offered by the NHS in that it is 100% identical to the chemical structure of hormones found in the human body and consistent with the body’s normal biochemistry.

If you would like to consider this treatment, blood tests will need to be done beforehand. If you would like to have the blood tests, please ensure you book your appointment at the appropriate time of your cycle. You are welcome to have the initial consultation beforehand and then return to have blood tests later if you then chose to go ahead with treatment.

Following a protocol update, it is now a requirement that a post-menopausal pelvic ultrasound scan is conducted prior to starting BHRT treatment where appropriate. It is normal practice that this is done on a 12-monthly basis to ensure that there are no underlying problems. We do work closely with a local provider that can do this.

If you would like a consultation, please contact our reception team at The Oakley Medical Practice